#RD2Productions Update: We praise God for a wonderful meeting yesterday. Mr. Anderson Hill, II and I met with Mercedes Benz of South Orlando to discuss our plans for our feature film, DownHill. All I can say is the meeting was a huge success, and we are moving forward in a positive direction. 🙏🏽🦁🙌🏽🛫 @rd2productions @rondiltz206 @moniquediltz
Major shout out to Let Thy T-Shirts Be Art for these amazing shirts!!!! @letthytshirtbeart
#DownHillFilm #MercedesBenzofSouthOrlando #ProducerLife #LetThyT-ShirtBeArt #FilmFlorida #AS2Productions #RonaldDiltzII #MoniqueDiltz #AndersonCHill #insearchofthetruth #writers #writersoninstagram #writersuniverse #writeyourstory #writersguild #bookadaptation #films #blackfilmmakers #independentfilms #independentfilmmaker #blackwriters #truestories #truestory